🔔 Ting Ting! Have you checked your notification box today? Have you got DeFiHorse’s surprise gifts yet?
Dear DeFiHorse’s Racers,
It has been a hard race to achieve such unforgettable milestones, and without you guys, it could never be real, DeFiHorse is so grateful for that!
💎 7,000,000 USD fund raised.
💎 A community of 500,000+ members across channels.
To express our love and gratitude to DeFiHorse’s beloved community, a surprise gift with $DFH token is sent to all racers who have taken part in our previous events. We hope you’ll like it!
Also, to get closer with the community, we have a C-Level Talk session, where all your questions and concerns will be addressed by our Board of Directors, which will air very soon. Send us your questions here: https://forms.gle/PqwZR5m8RGz8qaSo9 and stay tuned for the best!
Join us for more info: https://linktr.ee/defihorse