DeFiHorse Listing Event — Guide To Trade DFH on PancakeSwap

3 min readMar 13, 2022


DeFiHorse is proud to announce that DeFiHorse Token ($DFH) will be listed on PanCakeSwap.

☑️ Token Information

  • Name: DeFiHorse
  • Token Symbol: DFH
  • Contract Address: 0x5fdAb5BDbad5277B383B3482D085f4bFef68828C
  • Initial Supply: 6.680.000
  • Network: Binance Smart Chain
  • Listing on: PancakeSwap
  • Listing time: 2PM UTC 13th March 2022

☑️ Instruction for DFH trading

Step 1: Import DFH token into your BSC Wallet

1.1. Click on ‘Import tokens’, located at the bottom of the ‘Assets’ tab on your wallet homepage. On the next page, input the following details:

  • Token Contract Address: 0x5fdAb5BDbad5277B383B3482D085f4bFef68828C
  • Token Symbol: DFH
  • Token Decimal: 18

In most cases, the DFH symbol and token decimal will autofill. Then, click ‘Add Custom Token’ to proceed.

1.2. You will now see a page asking you to confirm that you want to add the token. When you click ‘Import Tokens’, DFH will be added to your wallet.

Step 2: Trade BNB/DFH on PancakeSwap

2.1. Access Pancakeswap and then connect to your BSC wallet. Select Trade to trade

2.2. Select BNB and DFH to swap from BNB to DFH

You will be asked to paste DFH address: 0x5fdAb5BDbad5277B383B3482D085f4bFef68828C

Check again the DFH contract and then select “Import”

A warning notification is popped — up. Make sure the DFH contract is correct and then click “I understand” and “Import”

2.3. If you successfully import the DFH token, you will be greeted with the following trading page. Now you can start trading a DFH/BNB pair.

Liquidity pool will be created from 1 PM UTC 13/03/2022 on the same listing day.

☑️ Attention

  • Check the DFH contract carefully before adding tokens and trading to reduce the risk of the community being scammed by fake contracts.
  • Players can Add and Approve a DFH contract before the DFH token is listed, which shortens the transaction time and increases fair competition.
  • In the beginning, the price floor list can fluctuate quickly, leading to a failed transaction.
  • Adjusting the Slippage and high gas price will have a chance to buy DFH tokens faster. However, a high Slippage will cause a large difference in the purchase price.
  • This is not investment advice, players are solely responsible for the price they decide to buy or sell.
  • Read more How to Trade on PancakeSwap:

Thank you for trading DFH with us. Should you encounter any difficulties, please contact our customer service at or chat with our admins at Telegram chat:




Written by DeFiHorse

𝗗𝗲𝗙𝗶𝗛𝗼𝗿𝘀𝗲 𝗖𝘆𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗢𝗱𝘆𝘀𝗲𝘆 - The #1 Horse-racing Metaverse E-sports game built on @BinanceChain . DeFiHorse

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